A Second Stimulus Check For H1-Bs & Green Card Holders – New Check Amount And Date of Issue

Once Covid was declared a pandemic, and unemployment in the U.S. had shot through the roof, some economic assistance from the U.S. government in the form of a stimulus check was hugely welcomed by both U.S. citizens as well as eligible non-immigrants. As the pandemic rages on, a second stimulus check is being discussed in the U.S. Congress. 

Who will be eligible…?

How much will the check be for…?

When will it be issued…?

These are some of the questions addressed below.

Will non-immigrants, green card holders and/or H1-B visa holders be eligible for a stimulus check the second time?

  • SSN vs. ITIN 

The Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solutions(HEROES) Act or the second stimulus bill is supposed to have expanded eligibility to everyone who has an ITIN and pays taxes in the United States. This makes most of the resident as well non-resident aliens eligible for the second stimulus check. However, this is a hard test to pass the Senate vote.

Breakdown of the SSN Factor: Here are the finer details

  • Substantial Presence Test

Another criterion will be to pass the green card test or the substantial presence test. This implies that to be eligible for the second round of checks from the U.S. government, the non-immigrant should have lived in the US for – 

** At least 31 days in Yr. 2020 and

** For a minimum of 183 days between Yr. 2018 and Yr. 2020. These 183 days should cover:

  • All the days you were present in the current year,
  • + 1/3 of the days you were present in the Yr. 2019,
  • + 1/6 of the days you were present in Yr. 2018

How much money will work visa holders and green card holders get from the second stimulus check?

According to where the current proposals stand in the Congress debate floor, the recipient’s adjusted gross income or AGI (sum of money you earn in one year minus approved deductions) will determine eligibility for the second round of the stimulus checks.

To see what your AGI is refer to lines 7 or 8B on your 2018 or 2019 federal tax return statements

Potential Amount in the Stimulus Check – 

  • $600 for individuals with AGI less than $99,000 
  • $1,200 for couples filing jointly and with AGI less than $198,000
  • $600 for each qualified dependent, including 3 minor children under 17 years and each dependent adult

When can you expect the second stimulus check to be released?

There is definitely enough support for a second stimulus check among both parties in the government. However, the different nuances of the final Act is still being debated upon. 

Everything else kept equal, the following is a plausible timeline to pass the HEROES Act:

House votesSenate votesPresident signs
Dec 18Dec 21Dec 22
Dec 22Dec 23Dec 24
Feb 1, 2021 (after Presidential inauguration)Feb 2Feb 3

While the President-elect Joe Biden might be able to exert some more support in favor of the Stimulus Bill once he takes charge at the Oval office, it is yet to be absolutely certain what will be the different elements and features of the final stimulus check. 

Related Article: What Has President-elect Joe Biden Promised H1-B and Green Card Holders?

Stay tuned to this space and we will update you with all the details of the final check.