Immigrants Denied Entry During the Travel Ban Can Now Reapply for Visas

When President Trump signed the first executive order barring people from entering the United States, over 700 travelers from seven countries were either detained or sent back to the country they came from. According to a federal court settlement in Boston, these travelers can now reapply for their visas.

The initial travel ban issued in January, 2017 for a 90-day period covered seven countries – Iran, Iraq, Sudan, Libya, Yemen, Somalia, and Syria. However, visa categories covering UN workers and diplomats were exempt from this ban. Once the missive was announced, there was chaos in most ports of entry causing a lot of distress to the incoming travelers. This led to a court case which has resulted in those affected being allowed to reapply for a visa.

According to the settlement, the US government will contact these individuals via personal letters. These letters will also include access to legal advice as well as the names of three legal service providers who can help these immigrants complete their visa application at no cost. These letters will be written in English, Arabic and Farsi and is expected to be processed within the next two weeks. After the new applications are received, a Department of Justice liaison will be appointed to help out in processing these applications.

The travelers who had provided the most current contact information on their visa applications would be receiving this letter. As long as the applicant has proper documentation, those travelers denied entry in to the US solely because of the Travel Ban may reapply for a US visa. To be noted, this new application would be vetted through a regular process and does not guarantee a US visa. Also, the applicant should have withdrawn his previous application for admission as well as not attempted to reenter the US.