Revised Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative

On March 6, 2015, USCIS published the revised Form G-28, Notice of Entry of Appearance as Attorney or Accredited Representative. The revised Form allows applicants to notify USCIS of how they would like to receive the notices and secure documents related to their case.

Beginning April 13, 2015, USCIS will accept only the revised Form G-28. Legal representatives and applicants must sign Form G-28. USCIS will communicate with the legal representative when Form G-28 is on file.

Revised Version of Form G-28

The March 4, 2015 edition of Form G-28 includes two new boxes that informs USCIS of whether an applicant would like to:

  • Receive notices and secure documents directly to him/her; or
  • Send  notices and secure documents to the legal representative.

More biographical information, email addresses, and cell phone numbers will also be collected in the revised Form G-28.

The previous version of the Form G-28 will not be accepted after April 12, 2015. If an applicant submits an application with the previous version of Form G-28, USCIS will only accept the application as long as it meets the acceptance criteria. In this condition, USCIS will not accept the Form G-28 and will send all notices and secure documents only to the applicant and not the legal representative.