United States Citizenship and Immigration Services has released a new app, ‘USCIS: Civics Test Study Tools’ that will aid in the preparation of the civics test during the naturalization interview. This app can be downloaded from either iTunes or Google Play stores. This app includes reminder notifications, tracking the study progress and review of past tests. Some of its salient features include:
- English & Spanish audio for questions
- Option to alternate between English and Spanish
- Official list of the 100 civics questions and answers for the US naturalization test
- Sample tests to challenge your knowledge
Currently, the test preparation includes 100 civics based questions out of which any 10 will be asked. The applicant is expected to correctly answer 6 in English to pass the civics test.
There are additional Study Materials for the Civics Test available to help prepare for the test including sample questions in multiple languages, flash cards, MP3 audio versions as well as study booklets in both large and regular prints, also available in multiple languages.
This civics test is accompanied by an eligibility interview Form N-400, Application for Naturalization for which there are interactive modules that include vocabulary, phrases and commands that the interviewee may hear and prepare for in an interview. This is conducted in English wherein a USCIS officer determines your ability to speak the English language. The English test has three components: reading, writing, and speaking. For the reading portion, you must read one out of three sentences correctly. For the writing test, you must write one out of three sentences correctly.
This app with its advanced, easy to use graphic user interface allows the test-taker to conveniently prepare for the test at a touch of a button. Dates and timings for individual interviews are determined by the USCIS and notified by mail. For more details on the naturalization process, visit path2usa.com.